Microsoft Azure

Build and manage virtual machines with ANLX’s Microsoft’s Azure


Infrastructure Services Provision Windows and Linux Virtual Machines and applications in minutes. Microsoft’s hybrid consistency enables you to use the same VMs and management tools in Azure that you use on-premises.

Develop Modern Applications Build modern applications that take full advantage of the cloud. Azure enables you to build and deploy a wide variety of applications – including web, mobile, media and line-of-business solutions. Built-in AutoScale features enable you to dynamically scale up and down to meet any needs.

Insights from Data Get insights from any data, big or small. Azure provides managed SQL and NoSQL data services, and built-in support for analyzing and helping you gain insights from your data. Leverage the full power of SQL Server in the cloud as well as use HDInsight to build Hadoop clusters to analyze data.

Identity and Access Management Enterprise level identity and access management for all your cloud apps. Azure Active Directory is a comprehensive identity and access management cloud solution. You can manage user accounts, synchronize with on-premises directories, get single sign on across Azure, Office 365 and hundreds of popular SaaS applications like Salesforce, Workday, Concur, DocuSign, Google Apps, Box, ServiceNow, Dropbox, and more.

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